Als Follow-Up zu dem Security Alert von gestern habe ich gerade eine Mail an den Hersteller des Programms geschrieben:
I downloaded a trial version of SAI and wanted to install it. After running the installer I tried to start the program from an unprivileged user account and got the message that SAI needs administrator rights.
You have covered this topic in your FAQ, but the answer
At first running of SAI require the administrator’s right on your PC for software installation, you have to run SAI from the administrator user account. Please check following descriptions for each version of Windows.
is not satisfying at all. Of course I realize THAT SAI wants me to launch it with administrator rights, but your answer doesn’t tell me about WHY SAI needs admin rights to run.
And sorry, an userspace application that requires administrator rights to run is a pure security thread and very suspicious. As long as I don’t understand the need for administrator rights on a simple paint app I have to consider it as malware.
Can you answer this question?
Best regards
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