OrgMode tutorial – Episode 6

It took a while, but now we have the 5 snippets for Episode 6 recorded and published on YouTube. Sorry for being that slow, but its summer and I have some important gardening projects to complete, so there is little time to do the screencasts.

Snippet 01 – Exporting

In the E06S01 snippet we talked about the basic exporting functions. The focus for this video is on HTML or simple PDF export. I showed some options to fine tune the output, for example how to preserve line breaks or how to include the content of drawers.

Snippet 02 – Advanced Exporting

In the E06S02 snippet we discuss some other export backends like the OpenDocument Text exporter or the export to a LaTeX beamer document. This video marks also a change in the format of the left sided support material. I wanted to have an example for the beamer output and so I decided to use OrgMode to create a set of slides.

Snippet 03 – Publishing

In the E06S03 snippet the topic is publishing. Publishing means that you export your org files to a format like HTML and then you also put them on a web server, so that everybody can access them. For our example I used the export to the ~/public_html directories  on an Apache web server running on Linux. A very good example for OrgMode and publishing is the Worg project which provides community written content for OrgMode.

Snippet 04 – Dynamic blocks

In the E06S04 snippet I show some use of predefined dynamic blocks. One is a time accounting sheet that sums up every clocking entry in your file, it even looks into the archive files. So if you are disciplined enougth to clock every task with OrgMode, then you are able to crate detailled time sheets that show how much time you have spent on your task during a predefined range of time. The other usage of predefined dynamic blocks is capturing column views. Column vies can’t be exported or printed, but when you capture them in a dynamic block, then you can process them as any other table that you create in OrgMode.

Snippet 06 – Tracking habits

In the E06S05 snippet I have a look at the habit tracking functions. This is very useful if you want to train your brain to learn a new habit. OrgMode then shows how good you stay with your habit schedule because it looks at the past completions of that recurring task. You can see your success in a box graph in the daily or weekly agenda.

The road ahead

After crating 30 screencasts almost everything of the OrgMode functions is covered. Topics for the next videos will be bulk agenda actions, RSS feed integration, Google calendar import. Some people asked me to show my own OrgMode setup instead of the prepared example files, so I will produce a final video that shows, how I make use of OrgMode in my daily life. If you have other ideas or feel that something is missing, let me know. I’m still open to input and ideas.


2 Gedanken zu „OrgMode tutorial – Episode 6

  1. Hallo Rainer,
    eine sehr gelungene Videoreihe über Org-Mode.
    Hast du geplant auch Video’s in deutsch zu veröffentlichen?

  2. Hallo Rainer, thanks a lot for all the video snippets tou placed on YouTube. Last month or so i watched them all after your recommendation in the GTD linkedin group. At first I thought orgmode was to complicated for me not being a programmer at all, but by now I completely replaced my evernote + omnifocus setup by org and i’m really very happy with it! Especially the integration of notetaking and planning plus being able to track working hours is wonderful. Never found anything that can do all of that.

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