Improving my Orgmode workflow

Those who watch my Orgmode tutorial videos know that I got the habit to create a daily plan every day with links to my org files where the tasks are defined in detail. So far I created a small function that copies the ID property an item to the copy buffer, so that I can paste it to my daily plans. But this is still a lot of manual work. So I looked for improvements.

Today I hacked a bit with Emacs Lisp and added some lines to my function. The first goal was that I can press my hotkey „F5“ also in the agenda buffer, because I realized that I always press F5 there and then get the wrong IDs in my daily plans, because it then didn’t add anything to the copy buffer.

The next idea was to construct a full link, its of no use to paste just the ID into a link. So I added some more lines and constructed a complete link with an ID target and as a text I use the headline of the item. The Lisp code looks like that:

With this hack creating links in my daily plans is fast and easy.
